Sign up for NKSSA Notices & Alerts - NKSSA - Northern Kentucky Straight Shooters Association

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Sign up for NKSSA Notices & Alerts

To Start Receiving NKSSA Notices & Alerts   
Send an Email to:
Subject = anything (even blank is ok)
First line of the message: SUBSCRIBE (whichever list) Firstname Lastname
Example:  SUBSCRIBE trap Tem House
You’ll receive a conformation email…
Just hit reply with the letters OK as the first line of the message.
At that point you’ll be added to that list and receive a welcome email with additional information about how to use the listserv.

Available List - List names are in BOLD : *All NKSSA members are automatically added to the NKSSA list...
 NKSSA (Club News)         5stand (5-Stand)             Trap (Trap)                       Ppistol (Practical Pistol)
SCSA (SCSA)                  
 SCSA2 (SCSA2)               SCSA3 (SCSA3)             Range (Open Range)   
Silhouette (Silhouette)      3Prifle (3 Position Rifle)    Prifle (Practical Rifle)      RSO (Range Safety Officers)

Examples below are for the TRAP listserv... change "Trap" to any of the other available list for the same functions.
* To send mail to the list for all the subscribers to read, send it to:

This only works if the list is NOT moderated. (That is where only the moderator can send to all on the list…)

* To stop receiving mail from the list for "x" days, send a mail message
 to, placing the following two lines in the
 body of the message:
     SET Trap VACATION x
 Naturally, you should change the "x" to the proper number of days. The
 list server will automatically re-enable your subscription at the end of
 the period.

* To stop receiving mail from the list for an indefinite period, send a
 mail message to, placing the following two
 lines in the message body:
     SET Trap NOMAIL

* To start receiving mail from the list again at any time, send a mail
 message to, placing the following two
 lines in the message body:
     SET Trap MAIL

* To unsubscribe from the list permanently, send a mail message to, placing the following two lines in the
 message body:
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