Current Newsletter - NKSSA - Northern Kentucky Straight Shooters Association

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Current Newsletter

  Volume 49   Issue 2                                                   February 2025  
Meeting, Trap & Open Range
Sunday, February 9
We will start at 1 pm with a pot luck lunch.
Immediately following the meeting, weather permitting, at approximately 2 p.m. we have the open range available to anyone, members and non-members wanting to shoot handguns or rifles.
The cost is $1.00 for members and $5.00 for non-members.  
Trap shooting is also available and the prices for trap are $5 per round of 25 or$10.00 for members and $12.00 for non-members to shoot the entire day.
Eye and ear protection is required.
We will have a swap table at every meeting, so bring any shooting related items you would like to sell.

Red Cross CPR course
We will be hosting a Red Cross CPR certification course on Saturday, February 15.
Class size is limited and you must preregister by February 3.
If you are interested, please call or text 859-240-9057.
This class is free to members, but you will need to pay a minimal amount for your Red Cross card.

Conservation Camp
We will be sending up to 5 children to conservation camp.
The child must be a child or grandchild of a member.
Camp is open to all Kentucky students who are in grades 4-6 and NOT older than 13.
Campers are picked up Monday and dropped off Friday at a predetermined location in their home or adjacent county.
Transportation is arranged by KDFWR personnel through local school districts or by charter bus service.
The camp fee includes transportation costs.
For more info about the camp:

To nominate a child, send an e-mail to, or call/text  859-240-9057.  Deadline  3/31.

Email Updates
If you have not done so already, please sign up to receive updates via email. There are times when we may add a date or have to cancel an event at short notice.
To sign up, Send an email to:
Subject: anything (even blank)
First line of message: SUBCRIBE: (Whichever list) First name, last name.  (example:   SUBSCRIBE trap Tem House)
You will receive a confirmation email.
Just reply with OK and you are all set.
Available lists:  NKSSA, Range, 5stand, trap, ppistol, prifle, IDPA, SCSA, SCSA2, SCSA3,  Silhouette, RSO  
If you need assistance, contact

Open Range
Cost is $1 per member and $5 for non-members.
Eye and Ear protection is required.  

Tuesday Open Range
Every Tuesday, 12-4  
Weather permitting (over 45 degrees and not raining.)  

Sunday Open Range
February 2     1 -5 pm
Weather permitting—over 40 degrees and not raining
February 9    2-5 pm  

Open Range 1st Saturday
February 1     10 am-2 pm
Weather Permitting—Over 45 degrees and not raining.

Monday open range    Begins March 10

2nd/4th Wednesday     Open Range  begins March 12

1st/3rd Thursday     Open Range  begins March 20

February 9      2-5 pm  weather permitting
Thursday Trap Shoots      every Thursday,
weather permitting — over 40 degrees and not raining.
Contact:  or

Five Stand  
February 2 and 16     12-4 pm
Weather permitting—over 45 degrees and not raining

Practical Rifle
February 16     12-5 pm
Weather permitting — over 32 degrees and not raining or snow on the ground.

Practical Pistol  
February 22
9 am - noon

Will resume  March 8—now on the 2nd Saturday of the month.

SCSA 3 (1st Monday)
Will resume in March

Practical Pistol Practice
Will resume in March, with every 2nd & 4th  Wednesdays

Will resume in May

Preregistration is required for all of these courses:
Link to preregister is on our website:

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO)  
February 8th.
Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer (RSO) and have taken the BIT.
Visit our website to sign up.
Contact for more information

NRA Basic Instructor Class (BIT)
This class is a pre-requisite for any instructor or Chief RSO classes
Saturday, March 29   8:30 am-5:30pm.
See website for link to register or contact:

NRA Basic Pistol Instructors Class
Sunday, March 30       9:00am-5:00pm
Registration information is on our website.

Ladies Day
Saturday, May 31    FREE.
Mark your Calendars and invite your friends!
We will start with a lunch provided by the club and immediately following lunch all ranges will be open for the ladies only.
No experience necessary-we will have qualified instructors at each venue and you can bring your own guns and ammo or use ours.
We will also have a split the spot and a bucket raffle so bring your extra $$$. Registration is required. Watch for flyer later in the season.

2025 Memberships
All 2024 Memberships expired on 12/31/24.
New:  You can now renew right on our website:
Membership dues will remain the same. Renewal notices were sent out in early December    If you have not received your renewal notice please call, text or e-mail and I will send one to you. or 859-240-9057

Old Geezers Trap Shoot
We are now part of the Old Geezers Monthly Trap Shoot—young geezers and geezerettes are welcome, too
2nd Wednesday every month / 11:00am - 2:00pm
$4.00 per round & Lunch is Free
February 12th - Bob White Club.
More information and full schedule at:

1—open range 10-2
2—Open Range 1-5
2—5 stand 12-4
4—open range 12-4
6—trap 6-9
8—Chief RSO 8:30-5:30
9—meeting 1 pm
9—trap 2-5
9—open range 2-5
11—open range 12-4
13—trap 6-9
15—CPR Class
16—5 stand 12-4
16—precision rifle 12-5
17—3 position rifle
18—open range 12-4
20—trap 6-9
22---SCSA 9-12
25—open range 12-4
27—trap 6-9

1—open range 10-2
2—Open Range 1-5
2—5 stand 12-4
3—SCSA 3 9-3
4—open range 12-4
6—trap 6-9
8—SCSA 2 9-2
9—meeting 1 pm
9—open range 2-5
9—trap 2-5
10—open range 4-dark
11—open range 12-4
12—open range 11-4
12—pract.pistol pract. 6-8
13—trap 6-9
16—precision rf rifle 12-5
16—5 stand 12-4
20—open range 4-dark
20—trap 6-9
22—SCSA 9-12
24—open range 4-dark
25—open range 12-4
26—open range 11-4
26—pract. Pistol pract 4-8
27—trap 6-9
29—BIT class 8:30-5:30
30—Pistol Instructor 9-5
30—5 stand 12-4
31—open range 4-8
All events are weather permitting:
Open range Sundays: over 40 degrees and not raining.
Open range weekdays:  over 45 degrees and not raining
Trap: over 45 degrees and not raining.
5 stand: over  45 degrees and not raining.
Practical Rifle:  over 32 degrees and not raining.

Free for members.
If you have items to sell, looking for a specific item to buy or have a business,
contact or call or text 859-240-9057 if you would like to put an ad in the newsletter.

US Precision Kinetics. LLC
Firearms, optics & accessories for sale, and transfers for club members.
See current new inventory at our Armslist store, or
email John for a quote on anything else:,

Bobcat work & Light Hauling
(859)  444-9206

Parker HVAC
JJ Parker

Continuous Improvement Coaching and Consulting
Fred Miller
CI Foundations LLC

Anyone interested in a South African Safari, there will be a presentation for hunters given by Two Waters Safaris on 2/18/25.
Contact: Ron 859-743-4396

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